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St. Mary’s Academy

Email Marketing, Fundraising

Project Scope

St. Mary’s Academy is Oregon’s only all-women high school. Founded in 1859, the school typically sends 100% of each graduating class on to college. Many of those students—more than 40%—receive tuition assistance. The annual Food for Thought luncheon brings vibrant, thoughtful speakers such Jill Bolte Taylor, Dr. Christine Carter, and Joan Benoit Samuelson to Portland.

“Food For Thought is our annual tuition assistance fundraiser…The need is great—more than 40% of St. Mary’s students shared nearly $1.2 million in tuition assistance this year.”

The emails linked to here were part of a major print and online effort to provide information about the 2011 luncheon, and to help attendees think through the size of their contribution before the luncheon.

You can read the emails here:

  • Email 1 : One Week to “The Science of Happiness”—St. Mary’s Academy 18th Annual Food for Thought Luncheon 2011
  • Email 2 : The Gift of Gratitude
  • Email 3 : Happiness is Being Part of Something Larger than Yourself—Food for Thought Luncheon—Tomorrow!

Project Details